The Ultimate Guide to Grain Alcohol:

Unveiling Its Uses, and Benefits

Welcome to the ultimate guide on grain alcohol, where we unveil its myriad uses and benefits. Whether you’re a bartender, a DIY enthusiast, or someone interested in exploring the world of spirits, this comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge you need to make the most of alcohol.

Grain alcohol, also known as neutral spirit or ethyl alcohol, is a highly potent distilled alcohol made from fermented grain. It boasts an alcohol content of 95% and higher, making it a staple ingredient in a wide range of cocktails and tinctures.

In this guide, we’ll explore the various uses of alcohol, from its role in mixing classic cocktails like martinis and gimlets to its importance as a solvent in the production of herbal tinctures. We’ll also delve into the benefits of using alcohol, including its long shelf life, its ability to extract flavours efficiently, and its versatility in creating custom concoctions.

So, whether you’re looking to stock your home bar, create your own signature cocktails, or unlock the full potential of herbal remedies, join us on this journey as we dive deep into the fascinating world of grain alcohol.

What is grain alcohol and how is it made?

Grain alcohol is a type of neutral spirit that is made by fermenting and distilling grains such as corn, wheat, barley, or rye. The process starts by mixing the ground seeds with water and heating them to create a mash. Yeast is then added to the mash to kickstart the fermentation process, where the sugar in the grains is converted into alcohol.

The fermented mash is then distilled to remove impurities and increase the alcohol content. This process is repeated several times until the alcohol content reaches 95% or higher. The end product is a clear, odourless, and tasteless liquid that is perfect for mixing cocktails and creating tinctures.

grain alcohol

Common uses for grain alcohol

Grain alcohol is a versatile spirit that has a wide range of uses. One of its most common uses is in the production of spirits like vodka, gin, and whiskey. It is also a popular ingredient in many classic cocktails like martinis, gimlets, and daiquiris.

Alcohol is also widely used in the production of herbal tinctures. Tinctures are made by steeping herbs and botanicals in alcohol for several weeks or months to extract their beneficial properties. The high alcohol content of the alcohol makes it an effective solvent for extracting the active compounds in herbs, resulting in highly concentrated tinctures.

Another common use for alcohol is as a fuel for alcohol stoves and lamps. Its high alcohol content makes it a clean-burning and efficient fuel source that is perfect for outdoor activities like camping and hiking.

The benefits of using grain alcohol

One of the most significant benefits of using grain alcohol is its long shelf life. Due to its high alcohol content, alcohol does not spoil or go bad, making it a great ingredient to have on hand for long-term storage.

Alcohol is also highly efficient at extracting flavours and active compounds from herbs and botanicals. This makes it a popular choice for creating custom tinctures and infusions, as well as for cooking and baking.

Another benefit of using alcohol is its versatility. Its neutral flavour profile makes it a great base for creating custom spirits and liqueurs. You can also use it to create your own signature cocktails by infusing it with different flavours like fruits, spices, and herbs.

Recipes and DIY projects using grain alcohol

Grain alcohol is a versatile spirit that can be used in a wide range of recipes and DIY projects. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Homemade Vanilla Extract


– 1 cup alcohol

– 3-4 whole vanilla beans


1. Slice the vanilla beans lengthwise and place them in a glass bottle or jar.

2. Pour the alcohol over the vanilla beans, making sure they are fully submerged.

3. Seal the jar and let it sit in a cool, dark place for 6-8 weeks, shaking it occasionally.

4. After 6-8 weeks, strain out the vanilla beans and transfer the vanilla extract to a clean bottle or jar.

Limoncello- Lemon-Infused Alcohol


– 250 mL of 95% organic alcohol

– Peel from 2-3 lemons


1. Use a vegetable peeler to remove the peel from 2-3 lemons, making sure to avoid the white pith.

2. Place the lemon peels in a glass bottle or jar.

3. Pour the alcohol over the lemon peels, making sure they are fully submerged.

4. Seal the jar and let it sit in a cool, dark place for 1-2 weeks, shaking it occasionally.

5. After 1-2 weeks, strain out the lemon peels and transfer the lemon-infused alcohol to a clean bottle or jar.

DIY Hand Sanitizer


– 2/3 cup 190 proof alcohol

– 1/3 cup aloe vera gel

– 10-20 drops essential oil (optional)


1. In a small bowl, whisk together the alcohol and aloe vera gel until fully combined.

2. If desired, add 10-20 drops of your favourite essential oil to the mixture and stir to combine.

3. Transfer the mixture to a small squeeze bottle or spray bottle for easy use.

Alternatives to grain alcohol

If you’re looking for an alternative to grain alcohol, there are several options available. One popular alternative is vodka, which is made from distilled grapes, potatoes or grains. Vodka has a lower alcohol content than alcohol, typically around 40%, but it can still be used in many of the same applications.

Everclear alcohol is another popular alternative to grain alcohol. Like grain alcohol, Everclear is a highly potent neutral spirit with an alcohol content of 95% or higher. However, it is made from corn rather than grains, which gives it a slightly different flavour profile.

Where to buy grain alcohol

Grain alcohol can be found at most liquor stores and online retailers. Some popular brands include Harris Organic, Everclear, and Diesel 190. When purchasing alcohol, be sure to check the alcohol content and choose a brand that is safe for consumption.

Safety precautions when using grain alcohol

Grain alcohol is a highly potent spirit that should be used with caution. When handling alcohol, be sure to wear gloves and work in a well-ventilated area to avoid inhaling the vapours. It is also important to keep alcohol away from flames and heat sources, as it is highly flammable.

Conclusion: Is grain alcohol right for you?

Grain alcohol is a versatile and potent spirit that has a wide range of uses and benefits. Whether you’re a bartender, a DIY enthusiast, or someone interested in exploring the world of spirits, alcohol is definitely worth considering. Just be sure to use it responsibly and follow all safety precautions to avoid any accidents or injuries. Cheers!